Friday, December 5, 2014

3 weeks old

Just a quick update on Emerson....he is now 2lb 14oz of pure cuteness. I have been able to hold him twice a day for 2-3 hours at a time. The nurses are surprised at how much he loves to be held. I guess preemies are sensitive to too much stimulation but Emerson curls up like a koala bear. Our main goal is to fatten this baby up with extra protein in his formula. He is still on a continuous feed through a tube but he has been practicing using a NUK!

I won't be home in time for Christmas but a Florida Christmas doesn't seem half bad. I haven't even thought of gifts, a tree, or snow! It is crazy what falls off your list of importance when you have a baby in the hospital.

I have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house in St Petersburg and let me tell you...this place is such a blessing. The staff is very welcoming and you wouldn't believe the people that give up their free time to serve us makes me tear up watching them be the hands and feet of Jesus. This is an organization that my kids will always know is special to our family.

Thank you to all of you who continue to pray for us. The first 3 days of our family being apart were the the worst but Troy reminded of something I said in the NICU the day we adopted Emerson........ "This little boy needs a strong mommy and daddy and we can do anything with God on our side."


  1. He is adorable! Such a special thing, to snuggle for hours!

  2. Wow! You are an Amazing young women Kelly~ I know the Lord has his hand upon you & your husband to be Emersons Angels ♡ May you feel the strong arms of the Lord carry you through & press on to which you've been called~ There will be nothing Greater☆ xoxo

  3. What a wonderful picture! So glad he likes to snuggle and chill with his Momma. Thank you for updating, as we think of you often and are praying for you guys. : )
